In the twenty-first century, the recognition of the need for environmental consciousness and sustainability in all facets of our life is ever present. Smart Home Technologies have been transforming our lives towards convenience and cost-savings. Solar panels that absorb energy from sunlight and transfer that energy into electrical charge to power even the largest buildings have been incorporated in residences, office buildings, and many other types of buildings. Smart Lighting controls and systems dispense, distribute, and monitor this green energy towards efficiency that was once only dreamed of. Water conservation techniques and new developments in wastewater treatment have been integral in trying to provide an adequate and pathogen-free water supply to various populations at minimal environmental expense. The efforts towards environmental consciousness do not stop there. One of the more prominent trends in sustainability is the electric car. Electric cars reduce the necessity for fossil fuel consumption and thus reduce carbon dioxide emissions. One of the more prevalent brands in electric car technology is Tesla Motors. After founding PayPal, one of the most successful online financial exchange providers, Elon Musk moved on to bring Tesla Motors into fruition. Tesla Motors has found a very specific niche at the crossroads of the luxury automobile and environmentally conscious technology markets.
Tesla manufactures its own line of automobiles and the popularity of these vehicles is growing rapidly. The first model, the Tesla Roadster, was sold in 31 different countries and with purchases exceeding 2,500. At this point in time, Elon Musk’s proportion of stock in Tesla alone is valued at $18 billion, and that is only 32% of the entire company’s valuation. The newest model that Tesla has released is the P85D. With features such as 681 horsepower, single pedal acceleration, a 17 inch center display, and excellent handling in all forms of weather, the P85D is a cut above the rest, especially in the field of electric cars. The charging capabilities are beyond convenient and it takes almost no time to bring the car back to full charge. There is an additional backup generator that allows the vehicle to travel upwards of 50 miles while the driver finds a location to recharge. People across the world are now beginning to recognize the need for sustainability, especially in the portion of the population with high socioeconomic status. A two-unit townhouse at 709 Sackett Street in Brooklyn, New York has included a Tesla Model S along with ownership of the two units. The townhouse comes with its own private garage fitted with a charging station which adds both significant incentive to own the townhouse and value in the property overall. This is just one instance of the integration of sustainability, specifically electric cars and Tesla, into society. A brand new public electric vehicle charging station has been constructed in East Hampton, New York, giving us even more insight into how Tesla and environmental consciousness are becoming of increasing importance. The town of East Hampton was granted $10,500 by the New York State Energy Research Development Authority and is considering making more sustainable modifications, including outfitting the station with solar panels. Although higher socioeconomic status gives individuals the opportunity to purchase a luxury electric vehicle, Tesla is working to expand access to more who are pursuing a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. Now Tesla has expanded their product line to include more affordable options including a compact car valued at under $30,000. As more of these vehicles are sold and they become more common, the price should eventually be driven down by economies of scale, making these vehicles more accessible for all. In time, we will hopefully see many more electric car purchases and more individuals doing their part in protecting our environment.