Telsa P85D: The Smart Home Owner’s Smart Automobile – Being Green With 681 Horsepower

In the twenty-first century, the recognition of the need for environmental consciousness and sustainability in all facets of our life is ever present. Smart Home Technologies have been transforming our lives towards convenience and cost-savings. Solar panels that absorb energy from sunlight and transfer that energy into electrical charge to power even the largest buildings have been incorporated in residences, office buildings, and many other types of buildings. Smart Lighting controls and systems dispense, distribute, and monitor this green energy towards efficiency that was once only dreamed of. Water conservation techniques and new developments in wastewater treatment have been integral in trying to provide an adequate and pathogen-free water supply to various populations at minimal environmental expense. The efforts towards environmental consciousness do not stop there. One of the more prominent trends in sustainability is the electric car. Electric cars reduce the necessity for fossil fuel consumption and thus reduce carbon dioxide emissions. One of the more prevalent brands in electric car technology is Tesla Motors. After founding PayPal, one of the most successful online financial exchange providers, Elon Musk moved on to bring Tesla Motors into fruition. Tesla Motors has found a very specific niche at the crossroads of the luxury automobile and environmentally conscious technology markets.