Audio Den adds Ortofon to Analog Audio Offerings

Audio Den adds Ortofon to Analog Audio Offerings

Audio Den is proud to announce that it is now an authorized Ortofon dealer. Ortofon specializes in vinyl record equipment, specifically known for its cartridges, styli, and accessories. As Long Island’s high-end audio specialist with over 50 years of experience in analog, tube components, and turntables, Audio Den is pleased to align their brand with Ortofon’s line of quality products.

What Was Old Is Now New Again - Audio Den explains the resurgence of vinyl and the growing popularity of hi-res audio playback

What Was Old Is Now New Again – Audio Den explains the resurgence of vinyl and the growing popularity of hi-res audio playback

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

Ecclesiastes 1:9

I’m not one who normally quotes scripture.  However, once in a blue moon my years of Hebrew School education fit right into my thinking about high fidelity. My childhood Rabbi would argue that my Hebrew School education lends itself to every aspect of my thinking – but I digress.